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How to Document Your Client's Personal Injury Insurance Claim

by Kristine Llabres

Have the best judge of Total Disability or Partial Disability is OLE Doc Comfort your clients attending doctors. The Medical doctor report he performs for the insurance company you are fighting with. You should always contain the doctor's comments regarding the nature of the disability.

However, when settlement times arrive, someone will form a healthy promotion of his evaluation based on the documented proof of the length of time of disability either total or partial. Both of which will point out how much they restricted their inability to work as well as their usual social activities.

Always be aware because you may be able to collect from their motor vehicle insurance carrier. You must consider all the possible options for medical reimbursements. In addition, you may also be able to collect from your client's health care insurance plan.

Take note to ask your client to read their motor vehicle accident policy carefully. For it may provide them with coverage up to certain extent for the entire medical bills because of the accident regardless of who's fault was it! Isn't great?

The Medicare Pay is a separate part of the policy, which they pay extra for. They are shelling out money for this extra coverage they should consider taking advantage of what it can offer.

Your client who is covered under the Medicare Pay or any relative who lives with their permission plus anyone else who is driving with their permission who happen to be riding along the car with them. It may state in the policy that their insurance company has the amount of the bill made to them should they get from their insurance company. Even if, they do not, they will still be paid for their bills at any cost as long as their motor vehicle insurance policy will without having to pay their insurance company back.

Take note that your client has already paid for these types of coverage and they are entitled to be paid under their options for reimbursements, even if it really means that they are paid by multiple sources for just one the same bill. Whew!

About the Author

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